
About Us

The Duck is a 23-year-old mother and wife. Her daughter is two, and she is going through the "too terribles." She recently learned how to say how old she is. The Duck loves writing, reading, playing on the computer, blogging, and Disneyland. The Duck is known for carrying around her iPhone 4 and her Kindle Fire almost religiously.

Currently reading: None at the moment

Favorite iPhone app: Stardom: the A List

Last saw: Episode 10 of "Once Upon a Time"

The Worm is a 26-year-old wife currently working two jobs, one of which is an assistant manager of a gas station kiosk. Her husband is a published author with books available on Amazon. The Worm loves reading, playing video games and working with her hands on projects like crochet and knitting.

Currently reading: Nothing yet

Favorite Mac app: Garage Band (for now)

Last saw: The pilot episode of "Touch"